Achievements made during the 11th Five-Year Plan period

The 11th Five-Year Plan period,学校以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,遵循高等教育发展规律,主动适应社会需求,坚持改革创新、特色发展,学校综合办学实力明显提升。In 2006, it was awarded "excellent" in the undergraduate teaching level assessment of the Ministry of Education. In 2007, it was renamed Tianjin University of Commerce with the approval of the Ministry of Education。

First, the educational hierarchy is becoming more reasonable

By the end of 2010, the university had enrolled 14,923 undergraduates, 824 postgraduates, 2,464 adult college and junior college students, and 182 international students。During the 11th Five-Year Plan period, the number of graduate students increased significantly。The number of students enrolled in 2010 is 2 percent compared to 2005.58 times;There will be 9 new master's programs in first-level disciplines such as business administration, 10 master's programs in second-level disciplines, and 8 professional master's programs。The school has basically formed a pattern of undergraduate education as the main body and actively developing graduate education。

2. The quality of education and teaching has steadily improved

During the "11th Five-Year Plan" period, the university firmly established the concept of quality of talent training with characteristics, implemented and improved the professional education model of enrollment and training according to subject categories, and actively explored the linkage mechanism between professional regulation and social demand。Reform the personnel training program, strengthen teaching management and teaching infrastructure construction。Remarkable achievements have been made in the quality construction of characteristic talents training。The school has obtained 7 teaching quality engineering construction projects of the Ministry of Education and Finance,Among them, there are 4 national characteristic majors,One national experimental teaching demonstration center, one excellent course, one talent training model innovation experimental area;It has obtained 10 Tianjin Municipal quality courses and 2 Tianjin Excellent teaching laboratories,Tianjin teaching team 2,Tianjin brand professional 11;He won 2 first prizes and 4 second prizes of Tianjin teaching achievements。The quality and ability of the students have been greatly improved, and they have won the first and second prizes in various competitions held at all levels in the country and Tianjin for many times。For five consecutive years, the employment rate of graduates has remained above 95%。

3. Remarkable achievements in discipline construction

During the 11th Five-Year Plan period, the University persisted in implementing the key development strategy of discipline construction and strengthened the construction of key disciplines。The four disciplines of refrigeration and cryogenic engineering, industrial economics, processing and storage of agricultural products, and enterprise management are recognized as key disciplines of Tianjin;Refrigeration and cryogenic engineering has been identified as a "top priority" discipline planning and construction project in Tianjin。The school has formed a comprehensive advantage of multi-disciplinary support and coordinated development around the development of China's modern service industry。

Fourth, the ability to make scientific and technological innovation and serve society has been significantly enhanced

The 11th Five-Year Plan period,The school has received a total of 1051 projects at all levels,Among them, 35 national projects were undertaken,Presided over one 863 project,It fills the gap in the national high-tech research and development plan of our school;Published 5,281 academic papers,Among them, 386 articles were included by SCI/SSCI/EI,He has published or participated in the compilation of 589 academic monographs and textbooks,79 patents authorized;Refrigeration technology laboratory was identified as a municipal key laboratory,The refrigeration Technology Research Center was approved as the Engineering Research Center of the Ministry of Education。The school actively serves the local economic development of Tianjin and the development and opening up of Binhai New Area, strives to provide intellectual and scientific and technological support, and has completed a number of service cooperation projects。

The 11th Five-Year Plan period,The school won 2 third prizes for outstanding achievements in Humanities and Social Sciences by the Ministry of Education;Won 1 special prize and 1 first prize of the National Commercial Science and Technology Progress Award;Won 2 second prizes and 5 third prizes of Tianjin Science and Technology Progress;Won one outstanding contribution award of Tianjin Industry, University and Research Institute;He has won 5 first prizes, 7 second prizes and 18 third prizes of Tianjin Social Science Outstanding Achievements。

In 2010, the scientific research funding reached 30 million yuan, of which the proportion of vertical research funding and large horizontal funding increased significantly。

Fifth, the overall level of teaching staff has been significantly improved

During the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period, the school attaches great importance to the construction of teaching staff, continuously increases the investment in the construction of teaching staff, and further optimizes the structure of the team。More than 40 people have been selected and sent to overseas universities and research institutions for study,More than 10 faculty members conducted domestic visiting scholar research,Broaden teachers' academic horizon;Guan Huashi and other famous scholars and experts are hired as adjunct professors,Provide academic guidance to the backbone teachers of the innovation team of key disciplines;Through the organization of teaching basic skills competition, selection of "Top ten teachers" and other activities,Improve the quality of teachers;The 11th Five-Year Plan period,A total of 3 people from the school were selected as national candidates for the "New Century Hundred million Innovative Talents Project",3 people were selected into the New Century Outstanding Talents Support Program of the Ministry of Education,2 people were selected into the "131" innovative talent team of Tianjin。

By the end of 2010, the school has 860 full-time teachers, of which 121 are senior, accounting for 14.1%, 287 deputy senior, accounting for 33.4%;Among the full-time teachers, 197, or 22, have doctorates.9%。

6. Foreign exchanges were further expanded

During the "11th Five-Year Plan" period, the school has achieved fruitful results in cooperation projects with foreign countries。The Master's degree in Human Resource Management in cooperation with Eastern Michigan University in the United States, the Bachelor's degree in Human Resource Management in cooperation with Charest University in Australia, and the Bachelor's degree in Hotel Management and Tourism management in cooperation with Florida International University in the United States,The standard of running schools has been continuously improved,Gained a good social reputation;The university has established cooperation and exchange relations with institutions of higher learning in more than a dozen countries and regions。A total of more than 150 teachers were sent to exchange, visit and study,A total of 242 foreign experts and teachers were hired,There were 611 long-term and short-term students,Received 127 visiting groups totaling more than 800 people;Since 2005, the University has hired Professor Paul Chilton from the University of East Anglia as the Dean of the School of Foreign Languages for three consecutive years.The university and relevant units jointly held academic seminars such as "New Discourse of Contemporary China", "the Third China-France Forum" and "2009 International Marketing and Management Technology Exchange Conference",Successfully held the "Tianjin First Model United Nations Conference" and "the First China Tianjin Wine and Food Festival" and other foreign-related activities with greater social impact。

7. The conditions for running schools have been greatly improved

During the "11th Five-Year Plan" period, the university strengthened infrastructure construction to meet the requirements of career development。The new campus and the southern District have been put into use, and the school conditions have been significantly improved。At present, the school covers an area of 1379 mu, and the total value of teaching and scientific research equipment is 1.500 million yuan, the library collection of 1.89 million volumes, an increase of 28%, 67% and 35% over 2005。The construction area is 500,000 square meters, double that of 2005。

The functions of the campus network continue to expand and improve, and the "campus city one card" system is officially put into operation. The campus network has played an important role in teaching, scientific research and management。

We will innovate the logistics management system, implement the outsourcing of logistics properties, and actively and steadily promote the socialization reform of logistics。The implementation of the university campus environment improvement project has initially formed a clean, beautiful, suitable and safe campus environment with complete facilities and functions。

8. Outstanding results were achieved in Party building and ideological and political work

The university Party Committee thoroughly implements the scientific outlook on development, strengthens the construction of grass-roots party organizations and ideological and political work, and actively studies and explores the new characteristics and new ways of university party building in the new era。Centering on the central work of the school, the activities of maintaining the advanced nature of Communist Party members' education and in-depth study and practice of the scientific outlook on development were carried out solidly and effectively。With the activity of striving for excellence as the carrier, the construction of grassroots party organizations has been strengthened and remarkable results have been achieved。The school adheres to people-oriented and builds a harmonious campus. In recent years, it has been showing a united, stable and upward situation, laying a solid foundation for healthy and sustainable development。

(Source: Tianjin University of Commerce "Twelfth Five-Year" Education Development Plan)