Study the "Three Trips to the countryside" series of social practice activities of the School of Biotechnology and Food Science in the summer

Source: Propaganda Department of Party Committee (News Center)  Author: Zhang Mengkai Editor: Zhang Mengkai Release Time: 2024-08-03 Views:

On August 2, the Learning Power Tianjin Learning Platform reported the summer "three trips to the countryside" series of social practice activities of the College of Biotechnology and Food Science。为深入学习宣传贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的二十大精神,学习宣传贯彻习近平总书记关于青年工作的重要思想、习近平总书记考察江西重要讲话精神,"Pass on the red gene,Make sure the red river never changes color.",Guide young students to "receive education, develop talents and make contributions" in social studies,Make full use of professional knowledge to enable rural revitalization,近期,The "Gan" Youth Summer Social Practice team and the "Food · Light" love volunteer teaching practice team of Tianjin University of Commerce College of Biotechnology and Food Science came to Xingguo County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province to carry out a series of social practice activities of "three trips to the countryside" during the summer。

The original report reads as follows:

Tianjin University of Commerce: Young students "go to the countryside three times" to the grass-roots level, receive education, develop talents and make contributions

Tianjin Learning Platform


为深入学习宣传贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的二十大精神,学习宣传贯彻习近平总书记关于青年工作的重要思想、习近平总书记考察江西重要讲话精神,"Pass on the red gene,Make sure the red river never changes color.",Guide young students to "receive education, develop talents and make contributions" in social studies,Make full use of professional knowledge to enable rural revitalization,近期,The "Gan" Youth Summer Social Practice team and the "Food · Light" love volunteer teaching practice team of Tianjin University of Commerce College of Biotechnology and Food Science came to Xingguo County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province to carry out a series of social practice activities of "three trips to the countryside" during the summer。

Source: Tianjin University of Commerce

Wucaiwuyu mission, "Food • light" youth to help grow

The "Food · Light" loving volunteer teaching practice team came to Xingguo Seventh Primary School to carry out the "dream resonates with the new era.,Youth in the red earth gorgeous flowers "as the theme of voluntary teaching volunteer service activities,Through the "study + independent exploration + practice" model, the curriculum covers five aspects of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, the United States and labor,Interpret the responsibilities and responsibilities of young people with practical actions,Light the beacon of knowledge in the hearts of children。

Source: Tianjin University of Commerce

Care for left-behind children, build a dream of childlike harbor

"Food · Light" love volunteer teaching practice team respectively went to the general Garden children's heart harbor, Longkou Town Mubu village children's heart harbor, Changgang Township Jirui village children's heart harbor, Tongxi village village children's heart Harbor for the left-behind children sent greetings,Activities such as emotional preaching, writing Chinese characters and weaving handicrafts were carried out,Spend a different summer with the kids。Practice team members use their youth power to send care and support for left-behind children, interpret the new era youth mission of "strong country, youth and promising" in practical actions, and highlight the responsibility and dedication of young people in the new era。

Source: Tianjin University of Commerce

Pursuit of red marks, understanding of thought

The real "Gan" youth summer social practice team visited the Memorial Hall of Xingguo Revolutionary martyrs, the General Hall, the Soviet Cadres' good Style Exhibition Hall, the old site of the Jiangxi Military Region, the Changgang Township Survey Memorial Hall and other places,Through every photo, every paragraph, every object,An in-depth understanding of the struggle of the revolutionary forefathers,I deeply felt the great sacrifices and unremitting efforts made by the revolutionary forefathers for national independence and the liberation of the people。In Changoka Village, the practice members also visited the old party members, listened to the revolutionary story, felt the red history, and continued the red blood。Members of the practice group have expressed that they should inherit the spirit of their ancestors, draw strength for endeavour, and continue to remember their original intentions and forge ahead on the new Long March。

Source: Tianjin University of Commerce

Help rural revitalization and draw a beautiful blueprint together

Real "Gan" youth summer social practice team members went to Longkou Town Mubu village selenium rich pepper planting base, Shafu Township Dongshao village Jiujiangyuan Agricultural Products Co., LTD., Shafu Township Guijiang village yellow peach planting base field,Help the villagers weed and pick,To carry out research on planting methods, production scale, sales mode, etc,In-depth communication with relevant responsible persons,Offer advice and suggestions,Dedicated youth power for rural revitalization。

Further expand the field of cooperation between the university and the city, and build a deep, all-round and multi-form cooperation model. During the practice, the College of Biotechnology and Food Science of Tianjin University of Commerce reached an intention to build a social practice base for college students with Xingguo County, and held a awarding ceremony。The "three rural" social practice, practice team members benefited a lot, they have said that they will continue to deepen the grassroots, the knowledge and practice of the combination, for the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation of the Chinese dream to contribute their own strength。

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