
Source: Propaganda Department of Party Committee (News Center)  Author: Zhang Mengkai Editor: Zhang Mengkai Release Time: 2024-09-18 Views:


Here's an excerpt from the original report:

Our city's education system continues to rise learning and implementation


-- We are committed to promoting Chinese-style modernization

Our reporter Peng Weifeng Wei Ying Liu Jia Qiu Ruiling Guo Hanqing Xu Deming

连日来,Our city's education system continues to rise learning and implementation习近平总书记在全国教育大会上的重要讲话精神热潮。

欧洲杯投注党委书记张亚说,习近平总书记在全国教育大会上的重要讲话具有很强的政治性、思想性、指导性,为我们推动学校高质量发展、建设高水平大学指明了前进方向、提供了根本遵循。We should promote ideological and political education throughout the whole process and every link of personnel training, and lead teachers and students to shoulder their responsibilities for Chinese modernization。We should promote education development, scientific and technological innovation, and personnel training in a unified manner,Give full play to the leading role of disciplines,Dynamically adjust professional Settings,Improve the characteristic discipline system of business,Leading the connotation development of the school with high-level discipline construction,To improve the quality of talent training and the needs of economic and social development;We should be guided by the spirit of educators,To build a new era of high level teachers with noble ethics, exquisite business, reasonable structure, full of vitality;We need to strengthen the development of research platforms,We actively participate in national and local decision-making consultation by relying on platforms such as the Research Center of Refrigeration Engineering of the Ministry of Education and the Time-honored Collaborative Innovation Center of the Ministry of Commerce,We will continue to enhance our ability to transform scientific and technological achievements,The output of social services with a high degree of visibility。We must use the spirit of hammering nails to promote the spirit of the conference into the mind and heart, and the implementation of work arrangements to achieve results, and contribute to the development of education power。